Equine Chiropractic
What is Veterinary Chiropractic? (according to official IVCA statement)
Veterinary Chiropractic is the science, art and philosophy concerned with good health through restoration and maintenance of a properly functioning neuromusculoskeletal system, without the use of drugs or surgery.
Veterinary Chiropractic care is a manual therapy, which can be used for many health and performance problems. It focuses on the biomechanical dysfunction of the spine and its effect on the entire nervous system throughout the body.
Veterinary Chiropractic treatment does not replace traditional veterinary medicine; however, it can provide additional means of diagnosis and treatment options for spinal problems as well as biomechanical related musculoskeletal disorders. Veterinary Chiropractic can often eliminate the source of acute or chronic pain syndromes.
Veterinary Chiropractic Treatment Can Be Used For:
• Chronic musculoskeletal problems
• Acute problems such as tension or stiffness
• Prophylactic treatment to maintain fitness
• Maintain soundness in older animals
• Enhance performance ability of sport animals
• As a complementary treatment for chronic lameness such as bone spavin, navicular syndrome or tendon problems in the horse as well as arthrosis, spondylosis or tendon problems like cruciate ligament in the dog.
How to recognise back problems?
Consider your horse’s recent performance and demeanor:
• Has your horse’s behavior or performance changed recently?
• Does unusual or fluctuating lameness exist?
• Does the rider have difficulty sitting straight on the horse?
• Has the rider or trainer noticed changes in the various gaits?
• Does the horse drag its feet or are the shoes worn down on one side?
Examining mobility in your horse
The horse should be able to move freely in all directions without tension, with or without a rider.
• Using a treat if necessary, ask the horse to turn its head and neck to the side so that it touches its flank with its nostrils. Less mobility one side compared to the other could indicate a problem in the cervical vertebrae.
• Test the lateral movement of the spine by placing one hand on the spine and with the other pull the horse’s tail carefully towards you so that its back bends around your hand.
Is one side stiffer than the other?
• Place slight pressure on the back from above. The back should easily and evenly, spring and swing. It should not feel stiff and hard.
Feeling The Muscles
Examine the animal´s main muscle groups for pain, tension and asymmetry. The muscles of a healthy animal should be symmetrical; feeling firmly elastic but not too hard or too soft. If you place the muscles under moderate pressure, the animal should not show signs of being in pain.
Feeling The Spine
Feel the spine from the withers to the tail, paying attention to any elevations and protruding areas of bone. Compare the two sacral tubercles (the bony points of the pelvis which protrude from the croup on both sides of the spine) these should be level. Look for any protruding areas of bone in the neck.
And always remember!
Bad behaving is not always disobedience..
Otevírání dveří do jezdcovy duše
Drezura se svědomím
Naše svědomí nás dokáže dovést k jezdecké harmonii, jakoby dávno samo znalo cestu.
Opening doors into the horses soul
Věřím, že každý kůň, dostane-li k tomu příležitost, je více než ochotný spolupracovat. Proč se nám občas zdá, že opak je pravdou?